Matt Damon cree que 'El Legado de Bourne' es un problema para su regreso a la saga

Señala que "es realmente complicado" continuar la historia desde Legacy en otra secuela con Jason Bourne

Frank Digiacomo de Movieline ha hablado personalmente con el actor Matt Damon sobre un hipotético regreso a la saga después de que se rumoreara -oportunamente- durante la promoción de Legacy que un crossover con ambos agentes estaba sobre la mesa de Universal. Tras la tibia recepción de crítica y público hacia la película de Tony Gilroy, un thriller digno pero a años luz de la trilogía original (crítica aquí), el estudio no se amilanó y no tardó en anunciar que otra entrega está ya en preparación, pero no habíamos vuelto a oír nada sobre ese esperado retorno de Damon a la franquicia (que bien podrían dejar como está). 

La conversación del periodista con Matt Damon, en la que explica las razones por las que es poco probable que se vuelva a poner en la piel del agente de Treadstone, tras el salto. 

"No ha habido ningún movimiento. Siempre he estado abierto a ello mientras Paul Greengrass dirija, pero no creo que vaya a hacerlo" ha explicado a Digiacomo. A pesar de admitir que aún no ha visto Legacy, el actor opina que "según entiendo, la película resucita la saga desde otra perspectiva" (recordad que sucede poco después de El Ultimatum de Bourne). Continua, "lo que eso significa, porque han usado a nuestros actores y personajes, es que cualquier cosa que ellos hayan dicho [en Legacy] es cierta y tendríamos que ajustarnos a ello en cualquier película que hiciéramos. Y eso lo hace realmente complicado. No creo que pudiéramos hacer un escenario tipo Dallas en el que todo fuese un sueño. No creo que la audiencia creyera eso después de haber pagado por ver una película".

"Realmente me encantaría hacer otra porque amo al personaje", ha terminado señalando, no sin advertir que a pesar de ese cariño siente que el personaje ya ha completado su búsqueda de identidad. Y tiene más razón que un santo.
"There has not been any movement," Damon told me, explaining that though "I've always been open to it as long as Paul Greengrass directs, I don't think he's going to do it." Damon laughed when he said this, as if, perhaps, he was downplaying how Greengrass really felt about The Bourne Legacy, or perhaps because he had his own falling-out with Gilroy — who has been a writer on every Bourne film and directed Legacy — over the script to the third movie, The Bourne Ultimatum. Asked why Greengrass was loathe to return to the franchise, Damon said that although he hadn't seen Legacy yet, "from what I understand, it kind of relives [The Bourne Ultimatum] from a different perspective." (Legacy is meant to take place concurrently with the events of the third movie, and Jason Bourne is referenced.) "What that means, because they use our actors and characters, is that whatever they said [in Legacy] is true and so we'd have to acknowledge it in any Bourne movie that we'd do. And that makes it really tough," Damon said with another laugh, noting: "I don't think we can do the Dallas it-was-all-a-dream scenario . I don't think the audience would go for that after they paid money to see a movie." "I'd really love to do another one because I love the character," Damon said, but then he pointed out another issue that would make it "a real struggle to extend the franchise": Bourne's search to "find his identity" was what drove him through the first three movies. Now that he has answered that question, Damon said, "where do you go next?"

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"There has not been any movement," Damon told me, explaining that though "I've always been open to it as long as Paul Greengrass directs, I don't think he's going to do it." Damon laughed when he said this, as if, perhaps, he was downplaying how Greengrass really felt about The Bourne Legacy, or perhaps because he had his own falling-out with Gilroy — who has been a writer on every Bourne film and directed Legacy — over the script to the third movie, The Bourne Ultimatum. Asked why Greengrass was loathe to return to the franchise, Damon said that although he hadn't seen Legacy yet, "from what I understand, it kind of relives [The Bourne Ultimatum] from a different perspective." (Legacy is meant to take place concurrently with the events of the third movie, and Jason Bourne is referenced.) "What that means, because they use our actors and characters, is that whatever they said [in Legacy] is true and so we'd have to acknowledge it in any Bourne movie that we'd do. And that makes it really tough," Damon said with another laugh, noting: "I don't think we can do the Dallas it-was-all-a-dream scenario . I don't think the audience would go for that after they paid money to see a movie." "I'd really love to do another one because I love the character," Damon said, but then he pointed out another issue that would make it "a real struggle to extend the franchise": Bourne's search to "find his identity" was what drove him through the first three movies. Now that he has answered that question, Damon said, "where do you go next?"

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"There has not been any movement," Damon told me, explaining that though "I've always been open to it as long as Paul Greengrass directs, I don't think he's going to do it." Damon laughed when he said this, as if, perhaps, he was downplaying how Greengrass really felt about The Bourne Legacy, or perhaps because he had his own falling-out with Gilroy — who has been a writer on every Bourne film and directed Legacy — over the script to the third movie, The Bourne Ultimatum. Asked why Greengrass was loathe to return to the franchise, Damon said that although he hadn't seen Legacy yet, "from what I understand, it kind of relives [The Bourne Ultimatum] from a different perspective." (Legacy is meant to take place concurrently with the events of the third movie, and Jason Bourne is referenced.) "What that means, because they use our actors and characters, is that whatever they said [in Legacy] is true and so we'd have to acknowledge it in any Bourne movie that we'd do. And that makes it really tough," Damon said with another laugh, noting: "I don't think we can do the Dallas it-was-all-a-dream scenario . I don't think the audience would go for that after they paid money to see a movie." "I'd really love to do another one because I love the character," Damon said, but then he pointed out another issue that would make it "a real struggle to extend the franchise": Bourne's search to "find his identity" was what drove him through the first three movies. Now that he has answered that question, Damon said, "where do you go next?"

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Anónimo dijo...

Después de negarse a volver sin Paul Greengrass que no venga ahora con que le gustaría hacer otra porque ama al personaje. La última me parece mala pero podría haberse evitado si no fuera tan cerrado de mente y hubiera aceptado trabajar con otro director. Ahora que necesita un éxito se lo plantea no? anda ya!

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