Joss Whedon hace campaña contra Mitt Romney

¿Estáis preparados para el apocalipsis zombie?

Como acostumbran a hacer muchos famosos en tiempo de elecciones, Joss Whedon, nuevo director superstar gracias a Los Vengadores, no ha querido dejar pasar la oportunidad para ofrecer su visión de los comicios. Para ello ha elaborado un vídeo muy casual en contra del candidato republicano Mitt Romney, evidenciando que su programa electoral será totalmente contraproducente en el inminente apocalípsis zombie que va a asolar a la humanidad. "No pretendo predecir el futuro. [Si gana Romney] nadie sabe con seguridad si los zombies serán tan rápidos como los de 28 Semanas Después o del tipo tradicional que arrastra los pies, pero estarán ahí fuera y necesitarán cerebros" ha querido dejar claro el cineasta.

Al contrario que el reciente vídeo protagonizado por Lena Dunham, creadora y protagonista de la serie Girls, la pieza no se enmarca oficialmente dentro de la campaña de Obama y tampoco se muestra especialmente favorecedora hacia el actual presidente. De hecho, casi parece un monólogo algo más elaborado y nerd que el protagonizado por Clint Eastwood durante la última Convención Republicana. 

Os dejo la transcripción en inglés de las palabras de Whedon tras el salto.

"You know, like a lot of liberal Americans, I was excited when Barack Obama took office four years ago. But it's a very different world now, and Mitt Romney is a very different candidate. One with the vision and determination to cut through 'business as usual' politics' and finally put this country back on the path to the zombie apocalypse. Romney is ready to make the deep rollbacks in healthcare, education, social services, and reproductive rights that will guaranty poverty, unemployment, overpopulation, disease, rioting - all crucial elements in creating a nightmare zombie wasteland. But it's his commitment to ungoverned corporate privilege that will nose-dive this economy into true insolvency and chaos. The kind of chaos you can't buy back. Money is only so much paper to the undead. The 1% will no longer be the very rich, it'll be the very fast. Anyone can run, fight, make explosives out of household objects or especially do parkour of any kind - you'll want to stick with them, unless they read Ayn Rand. 

Look, I don't pretend to see the future. No one knows for sure if they'll be the super-fast 28 Days Later zombies or the old-school shambling kind. But they're out there, and they need brains. So, whether you're a small business man just trying to keep his doors open, a single mom so concerned for her son's welfare that she'll run to embrace him when he's clearly infected and going to bite her. Or a strung-out ex-military type, who's been out there too long and is taking the kind of damn-fool chances that'll get us all killed, you need to ask yourself, 'Am I ready? Am I ready for the purity and courage of Mitt Romney's apocalyptic vision?' Mitt's ready. He's not afraid to face a ravening, rasping hoard of sub-humans, because that's how he sees poor people already. Let's all embrace the future, stop pretending we care about each other, and start hoarding canned goods. Because if Mitt takes office, sooner or later, the zombies will come for all of us. 

Zomney - He Needs Brains

Paid for by the Committee to Learn Parkour, Like Really Soon, Like Maybe Take A Class Or Something."

Vía Deadline. La traducción viene de Cinemablend.

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